Stock Comparison-Minute Data Vs Previous High

Stock Comparison-Minute Data Vs Previous High
Stock Comparison-Minute Data Vs Previous High

- Required comparison of 300K rows of data against the previous high on certain conditions and reporting them accrodingly. - Minute wise stock data for the day compared against previous day high. - To identify those stocks whose candle crossed the previous day high, and from that point onwards either the candle maintains above the previous days high or it touches. - If it maintains above the previous day high from that point onwards - Mark them under STOCKS CROSSED. - If ever after crossing it touched the high mark them - STOCKS TOUCHED. - Never after crossing should it go below the previous day high then it needs to be ignored. - Required careful consideration to correctly earmark the stocks in respective heads.

image of username satishtl Flag of India Chennai, India


Bachelors in Engineering - Computer Science o Expertise In: (Excel, SSIS, Power BI,MS Access, VBA, Data Entry, Webscraping. o eCommerce Data Mapping - eBay, bigCommerce, SalePresenter o Excel - Excel Macros programming, automation, VBA, formulas using data extraction from file and data sources, consolidation, populating graphs, pivot table, lookup,, Excel - Formulas,. Data import/export. o Outlook, Word - Word Template automation, Outlook mails automation. o Data analysis, data extraction from website, populating data on to websites. o MS Access - Designing forms for user input, building reports, Databased designing. Build full fledged software for small institutions on their customized needs. o Database - MS Access, Database Programming, SQL, MYSQL, importing exporting, extraction and modifying data. o Dedicated and would complete to the timelines committed. o Would provide additional support for minor issues/changes to have customer satisfaction and build a long time relationship.

$30 美元/小时

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