Perry Marshall is Up Next on WAMA

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Next week in our Warrior Ask Me Anything (WAMA) event, we’re interviewing Perry S. Marshall, author of the best-seller, “80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More” and owner of Perry S. Marshall & Associates, a Chicago-based company that serves both online and brick-and-mortar companies. His company provides consultancy work on different fields such as sales lead generation, web traffic, and advertising. Register for free and tune in on Thursday, February 12, at 5PM EST as he answers questions about sales conversion, time management, pay per click, and a lot more.

Why should you register for Perry’s WAMA?

If you want to get ahead in both the traditional and online marketing game, Perry is the expert to watch out for. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, “Perry Marshall is the #1 author and world’s most-quoted consultant on Google Advertising. He has helped over 100,000 advertisers save literally billions of dollars in AdWords stupidity tax.” No wonder he’s one of the most sought-after marketing consultants!

Perry has a degree in electrical, electronics, and communications engineering. He has written and published thousands of articles in technology, sales, and marketing and has spoken in many conferences in the U.S., Canada, UK, Israel, and Australia. He has served as a consultant in more than 300 industries, ranging from computer hardware and software to high-end consulting, as well as health and fitness and even corporate finance.

Perry is an expert in the following topics:

  1. Email, persuasion

  2. 80/20, leverage

  3. Time management

  4. Google AdWords & Pay Per Click

  5. Making your company more valuable

  6. Getting out of the Squirrel Cage

  7. Mindset

  8. Sales conversion

  9. Customer psychology

Register for free now and send in your questions. Don’t forget to tune in to Perry’s WAMA Thursday, February 12th 5PM EST and listen to his interview. Watch Perry’s invitation video and and get an exclusive preview on what to expect!

I want to register for Perry’s free WAMA event now!


发布于 6 二月, 2015


Senior Product Marketing Manager,

Writing and editing is my passion. Aside from doing SEO and digital marketing for, I also host events like weddings and debuts. I am a volunteer English and Reading teacher for public school students. I love reading books and traveling to different countries.


Corey Rabazinzki in Today’s WAMA