SydStart Speaker Spotlight: Goran Stefkovski

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Goran Stefkovski is the Chief Technology Officer of Australia’s largest online retailer,, which has grown over 200% every year since inception in 2006. Goran has a strong passion for drones and how they are changing the world.

Goran had an early start in e-commerce when he built a Web design business while he was attending Melbourne High School. This showed his passion for technology, design and entrepreneurship, which carried on to college  where Goran took up a combined degree in Law and Engineering (Software) at the University of Melbourne.

In 2007, Goran was part of the Australian Championship of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), a global non-profit organization that offers university students the opportunity to solve real world problems.

Before joining the startup world with Kogan, Goran worked at companies such as Rio Tinto, Coffey International, and HWL Ebsworth Lawyers. His valuable years of experience in technology and e-commerce secured him a seat as a panelist in ZDNet's TechBuzz series in 2013. The event was a series of panel discussions made up of small and medium sized business executives. There, Goran shared his insight on how technologies like software as a service (SaaS) and mobile computing are shaping business decision making.

A firm believer of personalization and data analysis to improve shoppers' experience, Goran ensured technological excellence and innovation in Kogan as he rose to his position as Chief Technology Officer. Kogan, Australia's leading online department store, competes on price and convenience by selling electronics, home appliances, gadgets, sporting equipment and groceries.

While at Kogan, Goran engineered the online store and co-invented an online marketing method and app, and LivePrice, a platform that allows consumers to purchase a product at a discounted price, even before it is manufactured.


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